Friday, January 28, 2011

Theater News

Theater in your bathtub?

I've got to tell you, this is cool.  Work nights and, wish you could make it to a show?  Now you don't have to miss out.  Theater organization, Fuel, launched Everyday Moments a series of 12 free podcasts available once a month to be listened to at a specific time and place.  The first podcast features Kazuko Hohki's The Hole, which is designed to be listened to while lying in the bath in the evening; later in the year you will be able to invite Adrian Howells into your bed, do the housework with John Hegley or stand on a bridge at midnight to listen to a piece by Inua Ellams.

Everyday Moments is an imaginative way for artists to reach an audience without having to rent a space and wait for people to show up.  With all the technology within our reach, this is a powerful way to reach those hungry for  the arts without many opportunities to satisfy.  I find it fascinating that this technology has only been used as a marketing tool and not as a new way to create art until now.

Unfortunately I don't have a bathtub, I know, sad right!  But I will be checking this out, you should too, tell me what you think?  Innovative, or not?

Click here to download the podcast

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