Saturday, September 5, 2009


All right people, you call yourself an artist.  I do to.  Then we need to start acting like it.  Most reading this can say that they once went to school for theatrical training, and some have not.  This blog is for all of you.  For those of you who are in L.A. working on film and commericals, becuase, well, that is where the money is, you may have forgotten about what started it all.  PLAYS!  There are some oldie's but goodies, and then there are some new stuff out there worth reading.  So I am going to get the process started for you.  Each week I will be giving you plays you may have and should read.  I will provide a lil' synopsis and analysis, if you likey, you should read.  If you have read it, well, what a great refresher!  

Not only will I post plays to read, I will also post plays in the L.A. area to see, and critiques of plays I have seen.

It's time to step it up as artist and stay true to the craft.  I know people are busy, and  it's easy to leave all the academia behind, but it is important to stay fresh with creativity and ideas.  Reading and seeing plays has to be a part of that.  

You might be wondering why I am choosing to do this blog.  Well, to be honest, I am officially a college student again.  With two small children at home, that leaves no time to audition the way I want, so school it is!  And I am excited to jump back into it!  Some of the plays I will be reviewing are from the class I am taking, Masterpiece Drama.  Exciting, right!?  

With that said, the first classic play I will be talking about this coming week is Sophocles Oedipus Rex.  This play is OLD, OLD school, where plays an actor it is a must!

I know you will enjoy this blog, stick with it and return back to your true inner artist! 

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