Friday, September 18, 2009


Have you ever heard of the Oedipus Complex?  A subconscious desire in a child ages 3-5, perticularly a male, for the parent of the opposite sex.  Usually accompanied by hostility to the parent of the same sex. The thing with Oedipus is that he didn't choose his fate by willingly sleeping with his mother!  He didn't know.  There are a lot of examples out there of plays and films with themes of the Oedipus Complex.  A lot of Hitchcock films and in the O'Neill classic, Desire Under the Elms.  This play has some crazy Greek tragedy themes all in it!  A complex, meaty story that ends tragically, but justice prevails.
Fate VS. Free Will.  A lot of times you may think you have free will, but there are always other people contributing to the outcome.  Oedipus wants to avenge the old Kings death, not knowing it is his father.

Eben, in Desire Under the Elms, wants to avenge his mother death, yet willingly falls in love with his step-mother, Abbie, all the while loathing his father.  A little Oedipus Complex or what!  Undeniably an amazing play I plan on diving into this this week.  Very interesting how "desire" is seen in the definition of the Oedipus Complex, and in the title..ummm. 

Little tid bit:  the original broadway play was unsuccessful until it moved uptown, because of the content, police attempted to close it.  After the notoriety the play was a success.

"I am far from being a pessimist...On the contrary, in spite of my scars, I am tickled to death at life!"
Eugene O'Neill

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